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Saturday 2 October 2010

Facebook 1000th contact Cost Price Wedding Photography Prize Winner

I am super happy to announce that Daniela and Mauricio are the lucky winners of the WeddingPhotoChile  Cost Price Wedding Photography Prize. As announced last week in the run up to approaching 1000 contacts on FACEBOOK I offered the 1000th  person to add me as a contact on facebook  my wedding photogography service at cost price.

Daniela and about 25 other couples have been watching the space all week and the computer was smoking in my office when the friends list hit 997. It seems Daniela was very smart getting her mum to help her get me to 999 at the right time for her to pounce on the prize.  I send a HUGE CONGRADULATIONS to you both and a heart felt sorry to all the couples who missed out, I would love to help you all somewhere along the line. The next FACEBOOK PROMO will be a free wedding photography shoot in Chile for the 2000th contact to join me on FACEBOOK... and  for the 3000th a FREE Wedding Photo Package anywhere in the world......good luck to you all

Daniela and Mauricios wedding prize will be for the 5th April 2011 at Milagro de Nos

Gardner Hamilton
Tel (0056) 9-992 9508