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Saturday, 18 September 2010

Elizabeth and Cesar

While is is over 15 months until Elizabeth and Cesar tie the knot here in Chile, the need to send the "reserve the date cards"was pressing due to many invites having to plan the trip to Chile from the USA so Elizabeth asked if we could do a little session together and create a few shots to use with her invitations. A great idea and what fantastic fun we had.
Elizabeth ( Washington DC, USA) and Cesar (Chile) drove through just after lunch to meet with me in Vina where we headed for a coffee to wait on the sunlight softening before hitting a local park/garden area.

Since the plan was to have photos that would have a primary use on invitiations I thought I would mix it up a little with some photoshop fun. Then off into the gardens to look for a nice spot on the grass under the trees.

I love the way Elizabeths eyes are looking at Cesar in this shot...I am sure there will be a lot of this at the wedding.
Time for a quick kiss as the sun starts to set then walk along the main boulevard towards the beach.....

On route to the beach I spotted this little casual photo-opp

So ...we arrive at the beach..time to sit and relax, enjoy the view, enjoy the moment. I took a chance on the post production of this image by not lifting the light as much as I normally would and by keeping the horizon af ew degrees offset, also leaving the natural lens flare...i liked it ..

The last kiss of the day before we head off for a couple of Coronas and a laugh at the Enjoy Vina Bar.

This was a very short session but a huge laugh, Elizabeth and Cesars wedding will be a hoot and NO ELIZABETH , I will not be wear my kilt lol...well, not until the party starts lol ....thanks guys...this was a whole bunch of fun !!!

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