Hotel deals

Friday, 29 October 2010

Michele + Marcelo , Valparaiso, Chile 23 Oct 2010

I think this is the most images I have ever posted from one wedding from Chile and believe me I felt like posting 20 more. Michele and Marcelo are a very cool couple and I was so happy when we met again last week at their chosen location for Micheles bridal preparation , a fantastic little hotel in Valparaiso called Hotel Acontraluz. Meeting Michele there at 3pm started off the beautiful sunny day perfectly.

So...time to get ready.......

I always love the eye work shots but it scares the pants off me...pokey things and eyeballs...yikes !!

While Michele is occupied its a great time to steal the dress and shoes and get busy in this very funky location

I just know I am going to get my usual shoe fettish comments on my FACEBOOK but hey...what can i say..

NOW thats enough Gardner !!!...go get the dress........

The multiple balconies and staircases in this location made for some great lines

Return dress to Michele and its time to get the wheels turning...I'm sure this was a quick call to Marcelo  
" Don't forget the rings !! "

A quick walk down 2 sets of stairs and then we hit the street...Its Valpo...Its the Law when shooting weddings here.
 Nearly there those heels....just before going out I wanted to catch a quick shot of the wonderfull bouquet on the fantastic old piano in the hotel lobby

OK no more time for this...gotta get some street shots done before tearing off to Vina del mar to catch some shots of Marcelo getting ready at to the street...
Michele just looks deal with it...

I know Michele loves Valparaiso...but I think Valparaiso loves Michele too

To the Church !

A wonderfull ceremony as the sun sets through the doors..with the deal sealed...

.....and a few more besitos....we're off to do some portraits
It got really windy and cold...we had to move fast..

Returning to the cocktail then onto dinner where one of Micheles friends made a short but touching speech.

Now it's time to get on with the show...first up...Girls...time to take your pick !!

All the single ladies......Solteras....get on the floor!!

I wishI had time post more but I have to keep some private for the novios right?... Great wedding  thanks and have a great honeymoon

Gardner Hamilton
Tel (0056) 9-992 9508
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Thursday, 7 October 2010

Paloma y Andres, Vina del mar, Retratos

Paloma and Andres are future clients of mine with their spectacular wedding day planned for early next year. Both Paloma and Andres, being medical professionals in Santiago, Chile have crazy scheduals and we have had some difficulties getting together to make this little getting to know you shoot happen.

As of recent it has been dull, cold and cloudy in Vina del mar and this day was no exception so, during our famous weddingphotochile pre session coffee, cake and ice cream sugar and caffine top-ups at a coffee shop in Vina del mar we were pleasantly surprized to see the sun start to appear and the wind relax.

Off to the local beach for a little walking and shooting before getting smootchy on the rocks.

Ok enough of this long walks onthe beach stuff...lets get to kissin and cuddlin  !!
This was a rather dangerous spot to perch the couple on as the waves were throwing some random and unexpected large ones at us. I had to wait to step in and catch the ocean crash in behind and hope it didnt take us back out to sea ..both Andres and Paloma could relax as they couldn't see it coming !!

Using the large diagonal rockface is a great way to give depth and dimention rather than just all sand

Next stop was a cliff top view point next to Concon for another few shots before the couple had to drive back to Santiago, Andres arrived in Vina for this session after working 24 hours straight and Paloma only had 3 hours of sleep.. if they look this amazing after these circumstances I cannot wait to see how hot they look together on their wedding day.....


Gardner Hamilton
Tel (0056) 9-992 9508

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Retratos Vina del mar

It was great to meet up with Valeria and Hugo again after shooting there wedding about a year ago but this time to take time solo with Valeria and the soon to be addition to complete their family. Little Amanada is due to be with us in 6 weeks so after some bad weather Sundays we had to act fast.
The Morning started really damp cold and cloudy and I thought NOT AGAIN !!! but Valeria is one strong lady and braved to to the end. After hooking up over a coffee and cake we headed to the beach at Salinas in Vina del Mar.  With the thinest clothes and bare feet she put Mauricio and I to shame as we shivered while shooting, with her feet in the water she laughed it off and was fully enjoying it...Shes crazy lol  but we love her.
Below you can see how much of a NON SUNNY DAY it was. This always pays of for the more dramatic and artistic shots...i love it

Now its up to the nearby cliff top for a couple of shots

Back to the water front....the ocean was hitting in hard and we took a few chances getting this shot and a couple of others as some random waves were creeping way closer to this future mom than I was happy with, she didn't care 1%

A little stroll to get off the wet sand and cold rocks  Valeria just loved the water on her feet
A quick stop to take a moment and remember what this fotoshoot is all about ....Amanda!!

Enough   Its Cold here !!

Sometimes we like to catch a few MAKING OF shots like this for fun...just to show that Photographers are real people to hahahahaha

Thanks Valeria, you were a star !!!!

Gardner Hamilton
Tel (0056) 9-992 9508

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Facebook 1000th contact Cost Price Wedding Photography Prize Winner

I am super happy to announce that Daniela and Mauricio are the lucky winners of the WeddingPhotoChile  Cost Price Wedding Photography Prize. As announced last week in the run up to approaching 1000 contacts on FACEBOOK I offered the 1000th  person to add me as a contact on facebook  my wedding photogography service at cost price.

Daniela and about 25 other couples have been watching the space all week and the computer was smoking in my office when the friends list hit 997. It seems Daniela was very smart getting her mum to help her get me to 999 at the right time for her to pounce on the prize.  I send a HUGE CONGRADULATIONS to you both and a heart felt sorry to all the couples who missed out, I would love to help you all somewhere along the line. The next FACEBOOK PROMO will be a free wedding photography shoot in Chile for the 2000th contact to join me on FACEBOOK... and  for the 3000th a FREE Wedding Photo Package anywhere in the world......good luck to you all

Daniela and Mauricios wedding prize will be for the 5th April 2011 at Milagro de Nos

Gardner Hamilton
Tel (0056) 9-992 9508