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Thursday, 24 February 2011

John & Karina Matrimonio Vina Matetic 12 Feb 2011

After extensive communication with john over skype over an extended period of time it was really great to finally meet him. I had met with Karina when she arrived a few weeks before the wedding after the long flight in from the UK we hit Starbucks and did the chronology crunch.  So I will get right to it.. Brittish hit Matetic!

Carina did her prep in the Master suite of the Matetic Casona where we used the natural light to asist the makeup and the wind to keep her cool

So after the two of these guys got ready we had to consider maybe taking their portraits before the ceremony but, keeping to tradition despite the possible loss of daylight after the church they said they did not want to see each came up with this idea...using the walkie talkies we coordinated bringing them in from different directions and  Da Daaaaa...they were soooo tempted to peek!!

Next stop Church and with the Priest being a family friend he just had to be flown in ...Nice guy & a nice touch !
The eye contact in this shot says it ALL

now with that over its time to get busy making some fotos..on route to the church this old building front just 300 meters from the church looked like a great place to take a shot..

Then off to Matetic to take some more before sundown and while the guests get cocktailed

Right guys, dinner is about to be served and as always Vina Matetic does a knockout meal..

Wth everyone fed and pisco'd its time to heat it up a little, John, You're UP

And now the revenge. John was not to sure of this next little pre garter throw trick but, with a little guidance HE NAILED IT

and with the formal stuff taken care of it was time for us to leave them to it. Great day guys, Many thanks

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