Yes it never ceases to amaze me in these digital days how much smoke some so called professional wedding photographers try to blow up the pants of their prospective clients. The primary weapon of the non Pro wedding photographer is the BLOG. Using this device they interlink with friends, family and other like (shallow) minded wedding photographers to ensure that the images they post have a stream of comments telling everyone how amazing and gifted they are a photographer. Many of the images are laughed at by the qualified pros and God forbid you try to post constructive critisizm…it never passes the moderation filter.
If the images are so fantasticly awe inspiring and amazing then they speak for themselves no? A picture paints a thousand words and talk is cheap, I believe these are common trains of thought.
To anyone considering wedding photography I send you a warning not to be sucked in by a stream of people posting praise on a blog…its maybe not what it seems!. You will see regular patterns of the same people posting on every photo and blog post with the same “Öh my God” kinda comments.
Obvously you have to like what you see but remember what you see is probibly 2% of what the client recieves and your probibly seeing the best of.. so you have to
REALLY LIKE what you see to pursue that photographer.
The shameless photographers and BLOG posters know who they are and are welcome to comment here and throughout my blog. I feel they should respect the intelegence of the people looking for service providers and not play this game. It is the game of the non professional in this industry.
Gardner Hamilton
Tel (0056-9) 9-992 9508
Facebook “Gardner WeddingPhotographer Hamilton”